Legal Notice


In compliance information stated in article 10 of current legislation, Act 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, we inform you that the party responsible for this website where different applications can be downloaded is:

• Company name: A. VAS
• Registered office: 244 Phan Bội Châu, phường Phạm Hồng Thái, quận Hồng Bàng, Hải Phòng
• Contact telephone:
• Email address:

• Website of: A. VAS
• Main Website:
• Other secondary Websites with effect of this legal notice:


Both access to the websites and the use given to the information and contents included in them, will be exclusively responsibility of the user.
Therefore, the use given to the information, images, contents, and/or products referred and accessible through the website, will be subject to the regulations, either national or international, as well as to the principles of good faith and fair dealing on behalf of Users, who will be entirely responsible for this access and correct use.

Users will be required to make reasonable use of services and web content, following the principle of good faith, and the current law, ethics, public order, good practices, rights of third parties, as well as the rights of A. Vas itself, all these in accordance with the possibilities and goals for which they were conceived. A. Vas assumes no liability, neither direct nor indirect, for emerging damages or lost profits, arising from the misuse of services or web content by Users or third parties.


The use of the website attributes the condition of User, and it implies full acceptance, without reserve, regarding all and every disclaimer included in this Legal Notice in the version published by A. Vas at the very moment the User accesses the website. Consequently, the User must read carefully this Legal Notice every time they intend to use the website, as it may undergo modifications.


The legally established language is Castillian Spanish; therefore when translating this legal notice into any other language, the original Spanish clauses must be understood as binding, both in the Legal Notice and in the Service Conditions.


A. VAS has or can have an active profile in the main social networks. In all the networks where it is present, it is recognized as responsible for the processing of users’ and/or followers’ data, included on its profile page. The processing of these data carried out by A. VAS will be that allowed by the social network for business profiles within their policies as social networks. Thus, A. VAS will be able to inform its followers by any means the social network allows about its activity, new products and events as well as personalized customer care service. A. Vas will not extract data from social networks, unless there is determined and specific consent from the user.


A. VAS does not hold itself liable for websites which don’t belong to them and which can be accessed through links or any content made available by third parties.

Any use of a link or access to a website not belonging to us is done voluntarily and under the user’s risk. A. VAS neither recommends nor guarantees any information obtained through an external link to A. VAS, nor it accepts liability for any loss, claim, or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, interruptions in service or access, or attempts to use or poorly use a link, both when connecting to the A. VAS website and when accessing to other websites information from the A. VAS website



On this website, cookies may be used on some pages. The purpose of these cookies is to improve the service offered to the users and our visitors. In case they are installed, the website controller will ask for your consent to do so, and you will have the option to accept it.

Article 22 LSSI.- “Service providers may use storage and user’s data recovery devices in data terminal equipments, provided that the users have given their consent after having received clear and complete information on its use, in particular, regarding the processing of data, in compliance with the provisions in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13th December, on the Protection of Personal Data.

When it is technically possible and effective, the user’s consent accepting the processing of data may be accomplished through the use of adequate browser parameters or other applications, provided that it must proceed to its configuration during the installation or update through an explicit action for this purpose. The previously mentioned will not prevent the possible storage or technical access for the only purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communication network or, as long as it’s strictly necessary, of providing an information society service expressly requested by the user”

A Cookie is a small file stored on the user’s computer and it allows us to recognize them. The combination of cookies helps us to improve our website’s quality, allowing us to control which pages our users find useful, and which do not.


We inform you that you can reject the use and installation of cookies on this website by changing the settings on your browser, being able to continue using this website We also warn you that your experience on this website may be limited if some of the options we provide are changed:

Google Chrome,

Many browsers allow the activation of a private mode whereby cookies are always deleted after your visit. Depending on each browser, this private mode can have different names, you can find a list below with the most common browsers and the different names of this «private mode»:
– Internet Explorer 8 and up: InPrivate
– FireFox 3.5 and up: Private Browsing
– Google Chrome 10 and up: Incognito
– Safari 2 and up: Private Browsing
– Opera 10.5 and up: Private Browsing

Please, read carefully the help section on your browser to learn more about how to activate the «private mode». You can continue visiting our website even if your browser is in «private mode», however, the user’s experience may not be optimal and some utilities might not work.

If you need more information about blocking cookies on your computer, please feel free to access the following link for further explanation:

Although cookies are essential for the operation of the internet, providing innumerable advantages in the provision of interactive services,they contribute countless advantages to the provision of interactive services, allowing the browsing and the use of our website. Cookies cannot damage your computer and, in turn, when activated, they help us identify and solve errors.


The information provided below will help you understand the different types of cookies:

Session cookies: they are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so that none are registered on the user’s hard disk. Information obtained with these cookies is used to analyse traffic patterns on the website. Ultimately, this enables us to provide a better experience to improve content, and facilitate use.

Permanent cookies: they are stored on the hard disk and our website reads them every time you make a return visit. A permanent website has a set expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We usually use them to facilitate purchase and registration services.

We also inform you that cookies provide the following information::

• Date and time of the user’s last visit to the website.
• Content design that the user chose during their first visit to the website.
• Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.
• Other type of information from certain specific cookies.

In all cases and in compliance with the «COOKIE LAW» Act 13/2012 of March 30th, and from art. 22 of the LISS, our website, when installing cookies, will request your prior consent to their installation at the same time our web address is indexed.

In some cases, refusing or disabling cookies may entail the inability to continue browsing on our website. On the same way, some parts of this website and connected sub-domains may not work properly.


The website uses the following types of cookies:

Cookies that are fundamental to enable you to move within the site and use its functions. navigation. This would be navigation cookies, those which allow the payment of goods and services requested by the user, or those which ensure that the website content is loaded efficiently and correctly.

Third-party cookies are those used by social networks or by content plug-ins, such as Google Maps, social networks, etc.

Analytical cookies, with intention of periodic maintenance, and to ensure the best possible service to the user. Analytical cookies are normally used to compile statistical data of the activity.

In any case, if you accept the installation of cookies, we will detail below the name of those that our website may install and their use.

This website uses the following own cookies:

Session cookies, to ensure that users who write comments on the blog are human and not automated applications. In this way spam is combated.

This website uses the following third-party cookies:

Google Analytics: Stores cookies to be able to produce statistics on the traffic and volume of visits of this website. By using this website you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Google. Therefore, the exercise of any right in this regard must do so by communicating directly with Google.

Social networks: Each social network uses its own cookies so that you can click on Like or Share buttons.

A. VAS following the criteria and advice from the Spanish Data Protection Agency, has published this in its “Guide for the Use of Cookies” in 2013.


The information and services included in or available through the website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Periodically, changes to the information contained in it are incorporated. A. VAS may introduce improvements and/or changes in the services or contents at any given time.

A. VAS has obtained the information and material included on the website from reliable sources but, although this measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, it does not guarantee that it is accurate and up-to-date.
It is also warned that the contents on this website are for information purposes in terms of quality, location, hosting, services and rates of A. VAS.


A. VAS declines any liability in case of interruption or malfunction of the services or contents offered on the Internet, whatever their cause may be. Likewise, A. VAS is not responsible for network failure, business damages due to these failures, temporary suspension of electrical power supply or any other type of indirect damage that may be caused to users for reasons beyond A. VAS

A. VAS does not declare or guarantee that the services or contents are uninterrupted or free of errors, that defects are corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components, notwithstanding that LOVE CORPORATION ENTERPRISE SL makes its best efforts to avoid this type of incidents. In case the User makes certain decisions or takes actions based on the information included in any of the websites, it is recommended to check the information received with other sources.


The contents provided by A. VAS, as well as the contents available on the network through its websites, constitute a work in terms of legislation on intellectual property and, therefore, they are protected by the laws and international agreements applicable to this field.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, modification, delivery, and, in general, any other act of public exploitation referring both to the websites and to its content and information, without explicit and prior written consent from A. VAS is forbidden.

Consequently, all content that is displayed on the different websites and in particular, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands, industrial drawings, or any other signs susceptible to industrial and commercial use are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of A. VAS or third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion on the different websites.

The web content, images, forms, opinions, indexes, and other formal expressions that are part of the webpages, as well as the software needed for their operation and visualization, also constitute a work in terms of Copyright and they are, therefore, protected by international agreements and national legislation applicable in the Intellectual Property field. Failure to comply with the above implies serious illegal acts, and the application of sanctions by civil and criminal laws.

Any act in which the services’ or content’s user may exploit or commercially use, directly or indirectly, entirely or partially, any of the website content, images, forms, indexes or other formal expressions that are part of the website without prior written permission from A. VAS is forbidden.

Specifically, and without exhaustive character, it is forbidden: the acts of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, broadcasting, emission in any form, use of physical or logical storage (such as floppy disks, hard drives on computers), digitalization or accessing data bases different from the ones authorized by A. VAS, as well as its translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of given opinions, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions made available to the User through the services or contents, as long as these acts are subject to the applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property and image protection.

A. VAS is free to limit access to web pages, to products and/or services offered on them, as well as to the subsequent publication of opinions, observations, images, or comments that users may send by e-mail.

A. VAS, in this sense, may set up, if it considered necessary, without prejudice to the sole and exclusive responsibility of Users, the necessary filters in order to avoid the spreading of content or opinions through its web pages considered to be racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, defamatory or, in any case, that encourage violence or the dissemination of clearly illicit or harmful content.

Those users who may send to A. VAS’s department of suggestions, any observations,opinions, comments, etc., through e-mail, unless they clearly and unmistakably express otherwise, and in case it is possible based on the nature of the services or content, it is understood that they authorize A. VAS the right of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, broadcasting, emission in any form, store data in physical or logical storages (such as, floppy disks or hard drives on computers), digitalization or accessing data bases belonging to A. VAS, as well as its translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of such observations, opinions or comments for all the time of copyright protection legally foreseen. Likewise, it is understood that this authorization is granted for free, and by the mere fact of sending by e-mail such observations, opinions or comments, users decline any remuneration claim from A. VAS

According to what was stated below, A. VAS is also authorized to proceed with modifications or alterations of such observations, opinions or comments, in order to adapt them to the needs of the website’s publishing format, yet without being understood as meaning there is any type of damage regarding moral faculties of Users’ Copyright on them.

It is forbidden any technical, logical or technological resources by which a third party can benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from all and every content, forms, indexes, and other formal expressions that are part of the website, or its efforts for operation. It is specifically forbidden all links, hyper-links, framing or similar links that could be established and directed to the A. VAS website, without explicit prior written consent from A. VAS Any transgression to this point will be considered as damage to the legitimate rights of the intellectual Property of A. VAS regarding its website and all of the content on it.

A. VAS does not hold any liability for consequences resulting from the behaviours and actions previously cited, as well as they assume no liability for the content, services, products, etc., of third parties which may be accessed directly or through banners, links, hyper-links, framing, or similar links on A. VAS website.


This legal notice will not be filed individually for each user but will remain accessible through the Internet on this website. It is accessible through each user’s particular remote desktop connection. Users with the status of consumers or users as defined by Spanish regulations who reside within the European Union, if they have had a problem with a purchase made to A. VAS in order to try to reach an out-of-court settlement, they can access the On-line Dispute Resolution Platform, created by the European Union and developed by the European Commission under the protection of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, as it is also stated in the «General Terms and Conditions of Contract» and/or «Use of the Website». Provided that the User is not a consumer or user, and when there is no rule that requires otherwise, the parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona, this being the place where the contract was executed, expressly renouncing to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.


This website is regulated by the Spanish Laws.